Categories: Uncategorized

More on piano lessons, and a new job

Two posts ago, I was talking about piano lessons on YouTube. Since then, I have started taking piano lessons at a nearby music school. This was just what I needed. You can only get so far on your own; then you need someone to guide you along and challenge you. I must thank my brother-in-law though, because although I’ve been talking about taking lessons for a while, he urged me to do it, having taken guitar lessons himself. I’m glad he did. All I needed was a gentle kick up the butt.

Categories: Uncategorized

Moving House

Not really. I’m simply about to reinstall Windows. But as I was about to go “Start -> Turn Off Computer” on this installation, it suddenly felt very final. I was not going to see this installation again. I had another look around to make sure that I had backed everything up, that everything was packed and ready to go. I was a bit nervous about whether my backups would end up OK on the other side.

Categories: Uncategorized

Piano lessons on YouTube

I’ve been wanting to play piano since about November 2005. While playing guitar, it never struck me that I could apply the same concepts to learning the piano, i.e. learning to form chords and then play using different rythms and patterns. So when I finally hit on this revelation, I eagerly spent hours learning to form all the basic chords and their variations on the keyboard. Anyway, that dream lay dormant for a year and a half now, and my pastor’s keyboard, that I borrowed back then, has been gathering (proverbial only!) dust.

Now however, I found that there are a huge number of piano lessons and tutorials onYouTube, which have rekindled my hope of being a piano virtuoso. I am currently in the process of downloading and converting some of these clips from FLV to AVI (for burning to SVCD or whatever).

In the long run, I would like to learn to read music as well. (I can, mind you. It just takes me about a minute to find each individual note on the keyboard.) I don’t aim to be able to sightread – maybe only in the distant future. I understand the basics, but it seems that there is just so much more of a short-term win in being able to play by learning chords.

Watch this space.

Categories: Ideas/Insights

Us, ourselves and you

If there was one change I could make to the English language, it would be to have two words for “we”; one meaning “us including you” and one meaning “us excluding you”. Think of all the confusion that would avoid. For starters, that persona non grata (some would say spare wheel) would quickly get the message when you say: “We (excluding you) are going to the pub now”.

Of significance too, but of lesser importance perhaps, would be singular and plural versions of “you”.

Of course, if you combine the two, you would have four variants of the phrases covering the different cases of “we” stated above.

Netbeans 6.0 M9 – now with Ruby + Rails support!

Oh boy, it seems everyone is jumping on the bandwagon! I’ve just been over to Netbeans, where I saw that there is a preview release (M9) of Netbeans 6.0, and lo and behold – Ruby and Rails support! Mind you, I never bothered to check whether someone had created Ruby/Rails plugins for Netbeans, so I’m not sure whether this is the culmination of long-term work from another project. It sure comes as a surprise to me!

Categories: SAP

Who’s your special Basis person?

With Mother’s day over, it’s time to reflect again on the other special persons in ones life. Today I had an amusing discussion with two colleagues about who’s Basis guy is the best. It turned out very much like a discussion between some five-year olds about who’s dad is the strongest.

Categories: Comment, Linux

Ubuntu vs Vista

There is this interesting article comparing Ubuntu to Windows Vista at InformationWeek. It pits the two in on a number of aspects like installation, hardware support, etc. The funny thing is that the price Ubuntu (i.e. it being free) only gets a small mention right at the end. If the comparison of the two were changed to a value for money comparison, it would become totally absurd.

Categories: Ruby

Ruby: The excitement mounts

It was with great excitement that I went to the Post Office yesterday to fetch my two Ruby books that I ordered from Amazon: Programming Ruby and Agile Web Development with Rails. Since starting to delve into Ruby a short while ago, I have fallen head over heels for this once obscure programming language, and the web framework that everyone has been talking about for so long.

If the shoe doesn’t fit…

The decade of the 90s was the heyday of ERP systems. Of course, the history goes back much further. Look at SAP, for example, who started in the early 70s by producing “one size fits all” solutions. This was of course a radical departure from the norm up to then, in that most companies wrote their own systems from scratch. SAP recognized a need in the market for such solutions, as the same solutions were being written over and over again. While I imagine that this worked quite well for accounting software like SAP’s first product, R/1, covering other aspects of business is and has been a different story.

Categories: Linux

A few days on Ubuntu

For several years now, I have been threatening to switch to Linux on my desktop at home. There are several things that have kept me on Windows: the drivers for my ESI Waveterminal 192M are only available on Windows. So is FL Studio, one of the few pieces of software I have actually been prepared to shell out money for. Only having dialup internet access has been another reason, but more about that later.