You may be familiar with the CREATE DATA statement in ABAP, which allows you to create data in a program by specifying the name of the type at runtime. What you may not be familiar with, is the concept of absolute type names in ABAP.
One of the advantages of having upgraded to a zippy PC is that I have enough memory and processing power to play around with different OSs in a VM. Recently, I have been toying with the BSD family.
Not only does running your own Linux Server make you feel like a big man, but like having a towel in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, it will make everyone else think you’re a hoopy frood. Moreover, it’s a great way to learn Unix on the side. In this first installment of a two-part series, I will show you how to install Ubuntu Server in VirtualBox on a Windows XP system.
One of my gripes when I switched to Ubuntu Linux was not being unable to input umlaut characters as I was used to doing in Windows. Being German-speaking and corresponding frequently in German, I resigned myself to using combinations of ‘a/o/u’ with ‘e’ (e.g. “Gefuehle”), which is also acceptable but not satisfactory to that little bit of built-in German perfectionism 🙂 No more! It’s simple in U!
Huzzah! PuzzleSurfer is online and available for your enjoyment. To take part in the fun, head over to PuzzleSurfer right away! The site represents the culmination of weeks of late nights at the computer and heated debates over some of the functionality (which I guess you could consider bonding).
It’s been months now. I’ve lost count. I can’t remember when I made the switch. But it’s final. Windows is a thing of the past (well, not 100%). I’ve been having a great time on Ubuntu (or U, as I’ve started calling it).
This is a little late-night hack for my late-night project I’m doing for a friend. I’m using Paperclip for uploading image attachments, and one of the requirements was to add some text (watermark or annotation or whatever you call it) to an image to indicate the website as the source of the image.
Sometimes you stumble across things, which, though not mind blowing, could turn out to be useful one day, but for the time being you just have to file under “trivia”. I recently made two such discoveries.
There is a side to computing in which developers of software try to appeal to so-called average users. The idea is to make software friendly and easy to work with. Most people who are confronted with computers very quickly have an emotional experience when something doesn’t go as was hoped for. They can quickly lose heart when confronted with some message indicating that things didn’t quite work out, that there was some slight mishap or a hiccup.
I’m probably much too new at both Rails or Hobo to make this kind of comment, but just from what I’ve seen so far, I think that Hobo is where it’s at.