Making static
So in my last post, I was all lyrical about the use of SQLite for my site SoftGuide. Well, that is soon to be a thing of the past. Not because of SQLite or anything, but I have discovered the joy of static websites.
So in my last post, I was all lyrical about the use of SQLite for my site SoftGuide. Well, that is soon to be a thing of the past. Not because of SQLite or anything, but I have discovered the joy of static websites.
There are many posts referring to accessing Google Talk from Pidgin, though I had some trouble accessing it from behind a proxy in addition to that. After finally getting it working, here is what I had to do.
Someone here came to work with a 32GB flash drive that they purchased for the bargain price of R150. (Normally they cost around R400 at present). Needless to say, it does not work.
If you use SSH (Secure SHell) to remotely access machines, then SSH public key authentication is a convenient way to log into remote hosts. without having to provide any credentials. And it’s very easy to set up.
After scouring the internet to find a way to get my no-name bluetooth dongle to work with my Vista laptop, I finally resorted to using what appeared to be the most closely related driver from the list, and fortunately, that seemed to work well enough.
One of the qualms I have had with updating my blog is that writing articles, especially lengthy ones with illustrations, is just too cumbersome. Having to log in through the website, and especially the process of separately uploading and inserting images is just too much work. So I decided to see if there are any options for publishing from OpenOffice, and as it turns out, there are some.
In my last post I showed you how to create your own searchable index of ABAP source code using Ruby in conjunction with the Ferret and saprfc extensions. Today I am going to show you a hugely improved version that will reduce the indexing time and give you a nicer search interface. (Amazingly, this whole thing came in rather handy for me in the last week!)
I did a dumb thing on my workstation: I disjoined it from the domain and joined a workgroup; an irreversible change that left me stranded without a way to log back in after rebooting. Fortunately, there is a great tool/utility called the Offline NT Password & Registry Editor.
I’m going to stick a big red L on my computer (for “Learner”, not for “Loser”). Whenever we’re driving and I get frustrated because we’re behind a slow learner, my wife always says: “You also had to start somewhere”. She’s right. So what brought this on?
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