App of the week: Greenshot

From time to time, you probably need to make screenshots to put into a mail or document, sometimes to explain a problem, or possibly for documentation purposes. Most times, you don’t want to generate a screenshot of the entire screen, but just a portion of a window.

Putting SSH Public Key Authentication to Work

If you use SSH (Secure SHell) to remotely access machines, then SSH public key authentication is a convenient way to log into remote hosts.  without having to provide any credentials. And it’s very easy to set up.

App of the week – NetDrive

I’ve been meaning to do a feature like “App of the week” for a long time now, as there are always useful applications that I pick up from time to time. So watch this space – perhaps I will do some more. This week, however, it is the turn of NetDrive.

BCM92035DGROM woes

After scouring the internet to find a way to get my no-name bluetooth dongle to work with my Vista laptop, I finally resorted to using what appeared to be the most closely related driver from the list, and fortunately, that seemed to work well enough.

Categories: ABAP, SAP

Alternative SAP GUI Progress Indicator

If you have done much ABAP programming, you will probably have made use of the SAPGUI_PROGRESS_INDICATOR function at some point or other, which can be used to display the progress of a task. Desiring an alternative progress indicator, I set out to find an ActiveX object that provided a progress bar which I could control with OLE from ABAP.

Categories: Comment, General

Blogging from OpenOffice

One of the qualms I have had with updating my blog is that writing articles, especially lengthy ones with illustrations, is just too cumbersome. Having to log in through the website, and especially the process of separately uploading and inserting images is just too much work. So I decided to see if there are any options for publishing from OpenOffice, and as it turns out, there are some.

Categories: Open Source, Ruby

Bitmap font tileset with Ruby and Imagemagick

My latest undertaking is writing mobile apps with Java ME. A problem I bumped into was creating tiles for bitmap fonts to use for displaying text in an application, in lieu of the Graphics.drawString() method, which may not always produce the most suitable output. Here I show you how you can use a Ruby script combined with ImageMagick to create a usable bitmap font tileset for your app.

Improved ABAP Source Code Search

In my last post I showed you how to create your own searchable index of ABAP source code using Ruby in conjunction with the Ferret and saprfc extensions. Today I am going to show you a hugely improved version that will reduce the indexing time and give you a nicer search interface. (Amazingly, this whole thing came in rather handy for me in the last week!)

Categories: ABAP, Ruby, SAP, Workplace

Custom ABAP source search with saprfc and Ferret

Today we are going to build our own search engine to search through ABAP source code on an SAP system using our favourite language – Ruby! (With the help of some nice libraries). Sure, there is the “Find in source code” option in SE38, and apparently you can use TREX as well, but this is much more fun.

UPDATE (19 June 2009): Refer to the next post for an improved version of the solution.

Categories: Music, Open Source

Something nice for FL Studio users

When I left Windows, one of the things I left behind was FL Studio. Not that I was an avid user of FL Studio. Nor did I manage to create anything nice with it. But I paid money for it, and because they offered free lifetime updates, I thought I would really miss it. Not anymore.