Categories: Comment, General

Blogging from OpenOffice

One of the qualms I have had with updating my blog is that writing articles, especially lengthy ones with illustrations, is just too cumbersome. Having to log in through the website, and especially the process of separately uploading and inserting images is just too much work. So I decided to see if there are any options for publishing from OpenOffice, and as it turns out, there are some.

I was at first going to title this post “Blogging on thick ICE”, in reference to the first solution I found, which is something from the University of Queensland, AU. But after I installed the plugin and realized I had to set up their ICE content server on my machine as well, I decided that it was not really what I wanted, so after another search, I found the Sun Weblog Publisher extension to OpenOffice, which seems much better.

So this is pretty much a test. As I am typing this, I am looking at OOo Writer, and wondering how this going to come out. Amazing that on the other end, in a different time and place, you are actually looking at the result.

The acid test for me of course is whether images are also uploaded and displayed, so here is one:

I am really excited about this, and hoping that it will bring an end to my dry spell of blogging.

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