Categories: Uncategorized

Nice web server script to serve any directory using WEBrick

At present, I am doing some web development in the form of a rich Javascript client. Now I have a need to serve up pages locally, but I don’t want to run a heavy web server just for that. So I wrote a little Ruby script to allow me to start a WEBrick server in any directory on the fly, which is great for testing content locally.

Categories: ABAP

Change Password Web Service in SAP

Here is a post that I wrote in October 2009. I think the reason why I never published it was because I wanted to first investigate what other (standard) possibilities there were  for providing this functionality, and I was afraid I would be embarrassed by some naive statements made in here. Anyway, for what it’s worth, here it is. (I don’t know what happened to Illustration 1. If I find it, I will try and put it back).

Using Pidgin to access Google Talk behind a Proxy requiring Authentication

There are many posts referring to accessing Google Talk from Pidgin, though I had some trouble accessing it from behind a proxy in addition to that. After finally getting it working, here is what I had to do.

Categories: General

32GB Flash Drive Bargain!

Someone here came to work with a 32GB flash drive that they purchased for the bargain price of R150. (Normally they cost around R400 at present). Needless to say, it does not work.

App of the week: GnuCash

Having recently been admonished by listening to some messages by Andy Stanley to pay closer attention to my personal finances, and my expenses in particualar, I thought I should give GnuCash a try. (Andy actually mentions Quicken, but I had come across GnuCash before, and I will try anything that’s free first). Anyway, I am highly impressed with GnuCash. It definitely beats trying to track expenses on a spreadsheet.

Ubuntu – where is the focus?

I have been an avid Ubuntu user for the last few years, and have become a staunch supporter (well, at least as far as my mouth goes). There are many compelling reasons for me to use Ubuntu: It’s free, it does what I need, it has a wide selection of free software available from a local mirror of Ubuntu packages.

Categories: SAP, Workplace

SAP MDM: Boy, was I disappointed

I recently got involved in a project where SAP MDM is being implemented. One of the attractive things about this assignment was the possibility of learning MDM. I must say though, that I was very disappointed with what I found.

Categories: ABAP, Linux, SAP

SAP Netweaver 7.0 with MaxDB Testdrive on Ubuntu 9.04 server

Last night I managed to get the SAP Netweaver 7.0 (2004s) with MaxDB TestDrive working on an Ubuntu 9.04 server. It took a bit of fiddling, and I am still looking at improving the installation, but I got the server up and running, which was wonderful.

File Drop Target for SAP GUI Apps

This year (I wanted to say “This Christmas”, but that is still a long way away) surprise your users with something nice: A file drop target for your ABAP applications. It’s easy – I’ll show you how.

Categories: ABAP, SAP

ABAP source code search continued

It’s been about half a year since I wrote about building a custom ABAP source code search using Ruby and Ferret. The other day I had a little time to resurrect the project, and I thought I should tell you a little about my findings.