nwrfc 0.0.8 gem is out

I have just published a new version of the nwrfc gem with (as usual) very minor updates.

Categories: Ruby, SAP

Ruby wrapper for NW RFC SDK using Ruby-FFI

I have just started a project on GitHub for a library that I am writing which wraps the NW RFC SDK library using Ruby-FFI.

Categories: Ruby

Javascript-style object-value assignment in Ruby

While I was working in Javascript extensively for a project, one of the things I really liked about it was how you could use the dot notation to access members of an object, just as you would call methods. After that, I would often find myself in an IRB shell, absent-mindedly trying to do the same thing with a Ruby Hash, only to be thrown a NoMethodError. The first reaction might be: “Ah, if only Ruby had this feature like Javascript does.”, but of course, it can!

Categories: Uncategorized

Nice web server script to serve any directory using WEBrick

At present, I am doing some web development in the form of a rich Javascript client. Now I have a need to serve up pages locally, but I don’t want to run a heavy web server just for that. So I wrote a little Ruby script to allow me to start a WEBrick server in any directory on the fly, which is great for testing content locally.

Categories: ABAP, SAP

ABAP source code search continued

It’s been about half a year since I wrote about building a custom ABAP source code search using Ruby and Ferret. The other day I had a little time to resurrect the project, and I thought I should tell you a little about my findings.

Categories: Open Source, Ruby

Bitmap font tileset with Ruby and Imagemagick

My latest undertaking is writing mobile apps with Java ME. A problem I bumped into was creating tiles for bitmap fonts to use for displaying text in an application, in lieu of the Graphics.drawString() method, which may not always produce the most suitable output. Here I show you how you can use a Ruby script combined with ImageMagick to create a usable bitmap font tileset for your app.

Improved ABAP Source Code Search

In my last post I showed you how to create your own searchable index of ABAP source code using Ruby in conjunction with the Ferret and saprfc extensions. Today I am going to show you a hugely improved version that will reduce the indexing time and give you a nicer search interface. (Amazingly, this whole thing came in rather handy for me in the last week!)

Categories: ABAP, Ruby, SAP, Workplace

Custom ABAP source search with saprfc and Ferret

Today we are going to build our own search engine to search through ABAP source code on an SAP system using our favourite language – Ruby! (With the help of some nice libraries). Sure, there is the “Find in source code” option in SE38, and apparently you can use TREX as well, but this is much more fun.

UPDATE (19 June 2009): Refer to the next post for an improved version of the solution.

Categories: Rails

Paperclip: Adding an annotation to an uploaded image

This is a little late-night hack for my late-night project I’m doing for a friend. I’m using Paperclip for uploading image attachments, and one of the requirements was to add some text (watermark or annotation or whatever you call it) to an image to indicate the website as the source of the image.

Netbeans 6.0 M9 – now with Ruby + Rails support!

Oh boy, it seems everyone is jumping on the bandwagon! I’ve just been over to Netbeans, where I saw that there is a preview release (M9) of Netbeans 6.0, and lo and behold – Ruby and Rails support! Mind you, I never bothered to check whether someone had created Ruby/Rails plugins for Netbeans, so I’m not sure whether this is the culmination of long-term work from another project. It sure comes as a surprise to me!