Categories: ABAP

ABAP source code search using Solr (Part 3) – Using multiple cores

In my last post I briefly introduced you to the search front-end that I developed to go along with my ABAP source code indexing solution. Well, it turns out there was a severe bug in the search program which would prevent you from using the program with multiple cores (collections). So before I start the discussion, perhaps you want to grab the latest source code from the GitHub repo.

Categories: ABAP

Effective (and easy!) ABAP source code search using Solr (Part 2)

In my previous installment, I ended off by promising that I would post details of a search front-end for the ABAP source code index as an ABAP program. That was four months ago, so I guess it is high time I made good on my promise.

Effective (and easy!) ABAP source code search using Solr (Part 1)

If you have been a long time reader of my blog, you may think I have a bee in my bonnet about being able to search through ABAP source code, as if it were some holy grail or something. Yet when I consider that, given the following use cases, I think there is a lot of scope for such a solution:

JSON to ABAP data structure program

On my current project, I had to write some ABAP code to convert a (deep) ABAP structure to JSON. I have seen at least two projects out there that do the same thing, but nothing that converts JSON to ABAP. So I set out to produce an ABAP program to do this.

Categories: ABAP, SAP

Unicode in ABAP

Having worked with ABAP most of my career, I have not had to care a lot (if ever) about Unicode, maybe due to the fact that I work in a country where all SAP systems only use English (with very, very rare exceptions).

Categories: ABAP, SAP


In this article, I investigate the possibility of developing a URL-based API for the Business Object Layer (BOL) that could be used to develop an alternative to the standard CRM Web UI.

Categories: ABAP

Change Password Web Service in SAP

Here is a post that I wrote in October 2009. I think the reason why I never published it was because I wanted to first investigate what other (standard) possibilities there were  for providing this functionality, and I was afraid I would be embarrassed by some naive statements made in here. Anyway, for what it’s worth, here it is. (I don’t know what happened to Illustration 1. If I find it, I will try and put it back).

Categories: ABAP, Linux, SAP

SAP Netweaver 7.0 with MaxDB Testdrive on Ubuntu 9.04 server

Last night I managed to get the SAP Netweaver 7.0 (2004s) with MaxDB TestDrive working on an Ubuntu 9.04 server. It took a bit of fiddling, and I am still looking at improving the installation, but I got the server up and running, which was wonderful.

File Drop Target for SAP GUI Apps

This year (I wanted to say “This Christmas”, but that is still a long way away) surprise your users with something nice: A file drop target for your ABAP applications. It’s easy – I’ll show you how.

Categories: ABAP, SAP

ABAP source code search continued

It’s been about half a year since I wrote about building a custom ABAP source code search using Ruby and Ferret. The other day I had a little time to resurrect the project, and I thought I should tell you a little about my findings.