Categories: ABAP

Mapping Lisp to ABAP: It’s hard work

So I have been busy with the ABAP Lisp interpreter. The main focus now is the integration to ABAP. When I first started out with it, I had a vague idea in my head of what I wanted the interpreter to be able to do.

Progress on the ABAP Lisp interpreter

Since announcing the ABAP Lisp interpreter on SCN last week, I have made a few commits to the ABAP Lisp repo. I was rather chuffed to get some positive response on the article, and it does provide a bit more motivation to keep working on it.

Categories: Uncategorized

A Lisp Interpreter in ABAP

I published a blog post today titled “A Lisp Interpreter in ABAP” on SCN. I just finished developing a basic Lisp interpreter in ABAP which is inspired by Peter Norvig’s “(How to Write a (Lisp) Interpreter (in Python))” and Anthony Hay’s “Lisp interpreter in 90 lines of C++“.

The road to Lisp

One of the hurdles I face in learning a new language, as you probably do too, is that I am always looking at it from the point of view of my current context, more specifically the current set of languages, and in particular, my favorite language, which is Ruby. I end up comparing everything I look at to Ruby’s ease of expression, the way I can quickly do real practical stuff, and the amount of libraries already out there.