Categories: Comment, Linux

Ubuntu vs Vista

There is this interesting article comparing Ubuntu to Windows Vista at InformationWeek. It pits the two in on a number of aspects like installation, hardware support, etc. The funny thing is that the price Ubuntu (i.e. it being free) only gets a small mention right at the end. If the comparison of the two were changed to a value for money comparison, it would become totally absurd.

Categories: Ruby

Ruby: The excitement mounts

It was with great excitement that I went to the Post Office yesterday to fetch my two Ruby books that I ordered from Amazon: Programming Ruby and Agile Web Development with Rails. Since starting to delve into Ruby a short while ago, I have fallen head over heels for this once obscure programming language, and the web framework that everyone has been talking about for so long.

If the shoe doesn’t fit…

The decade of the 90s was the heyday of ERP systems. Of course, the history goes back much further. Look at SAP, for example, who started in the early 70s by producing “one size fits all” solutions. This was of course a radical departure from the norm up to then, in that most companies wrote their own systems from scratch. SAP recognized a need in the market for such solutions, as the same solutions were being written over and over again. While I imagine that this worked quite well for accounting software like SAP’s first product, R/1, covering other aspects of business is and has been a different story.